14 February 2017
14 February 2017

Dacia Arena between the candidates for the "Stadium of the year 2016" award

The stadium of Udine competes against 29 new stadiums of 21 states. The competition by Stadiony.net and StadiumDB.com call for a vote of a technical jury and people choice via web

 The home of Udinese competes along with 29 new structures from 21 countries for the title of Stadium of the year 2016.
Only Italian representant, the constructions distinguish itself for its avantgarde and its unicity.
'Stadium of the Year' is a competition non-commercial launched 7 years ago by Stadiony.net and StadiumDB.com
In order to choose a winner, beside the vote of the people of the web, there will also be a clssification made by 5 arquitects expert in their field that will give their opinion on the structures. Winners will be announced after March 5th.
To be able to vote just connect to this link
http://stadiumdb.com/competitions/stadium_of_the_year_2016 and choose in preference order the 5 stadiums more liked (5 stars to the best, down to 1 star) and then click "Vote". Time ends at midnight of March 4th.